

    Annual Report

    For the third year in a row Mattmo was invited to design TNT's Annual Report.

    This year's theme is "All the Right Connections", which stands for the many lines, connections and links that are indispensable in the successful company TNT is. 

    All the Right Connections

    Mattmo created a concept fitting the theme, which is expressed by chosing the eclectic character of the city of Berlin, Germany as the setting for all photography.

    And again Anton Corbijn was responsible for the photographic contribution. The old and new in the architecture as well as the diversity of Berlin's inhabitants mirror the face of TNT. By showing the people involved, the top management as well as the people on the floor and this time also a number of TNT's clients, the structure and culture of the company are portrayed. 

    Extremes brought together

    The concept of bringing extremes together was also applied in the physical product; e.g. in the use different paper sorts and the bindings of the report.

    Spreads with photography form the navigation of the chapters in the report. Together with the Annual Report Mattmo also provided the Social Responsibility Report and a bilingual Annual Overview. And in addition to the printed materials Mattmo developed a unique application to publish the Annual Report online very quickly and with the same design. 

  • Quote

    The eclectic character of the city of Berlin as setting


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