Pluijm op Pad
Tv series
The gap has increased significantly in recent decades between the food sources and the consumer.
Consumers are increasingly estranged from the origin of their food. To counter this alienation Mattmo started a project born from involvement. The question is how is a particular product linked to a landscape? The connection of a product with its history, culture and landscape was the basis of the search for food culture. Mattmo is a strong advocate of quality and true tastes, which is inextricably linked to our love for food.

After meeting with culinary adventurer René Pluijm, he turned out to be the ideal person to explore this connection between food and environment.
With Rene Mattmo created a TV series that explores food and their origins, Endemol produced it and RTL4 broadcasted the show. René sets off across Europe in search of local and regional food cultures. He is looking for authentic, unknown products and talks with farmers, wine producers and chefs of specialty restaurants to find the source of their ingredients. He takes a look behind the scenes of traditional farm businesses to find products that are delicious, pure, natural, rich in taste and pleasing to the eye.

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