Revitalising the harbour
Workshop Designskolen
We gave 12 international master students the task to analyse the harbour and to come up with an integral plan to revitalize the area.
Mattmo, Bruce Mau from New York and Frog Design from Munich are commissioned by Designskolen to give each a workshop for one week. The theme of Mattmo's week was the harbour, which is an area where 40 companies and 8 recreation clubs have their home. Some students went on a sailing trip in the fjord and others did visual workshops with old motorboat club members to investigate the authentic identity of the Harbour.

Diversity versus unity
The area has great diversity but no unity, no overlap in functions, no collaboration between leisure and work. There is no integral approach and no connection to the city centre which is next to the harbour. One of the ideas was to create a so called dynamic identity where each individual club could have it’s own logo, color and flag with a strong connection to the other clubs.

An area of great diversity without unity.
At the front of the industrial harbour is a location facing the fjord. This lookout enables a perfect panorama to the fjord and the sailboat marinas. The location is fallow land where dredged sediment from the port basin has been stored. The grounds are like a swamp and very unstable. The idea is to create a structure of piers and small buildings on pillars where people can contemplate and enjoy the nature. Functions could be teahouse, restaurant, sauna, breenhouse, beehouse, pool or floating gardens. In the historical building “Pakhuset” a cultural integration of the harbour into Koldings centre could take place in the from of a festival. To enhance public awareness and involvement through cultural activities. The research done at the motorboat club is a social-design project. Here the most imprtant part was to give this club a voice in the new urban developments of the new sailing harbour. In the beginning of the previous century they started this sailing harbour and are still in their historic wooden clubhouse.By making the clubs the facilitators and they become responsible for keeping the interaction environments alive. It is not only about making the new marina attractive to new users. It is also about keeping the new marina attractive to the current users with space for development.

And talk about your product or brand