
    Monique Mulder

    Strategy Director / Founder


    I attended the Royal Art Academy in The Hague and an MA in Computer Science and Computer Animation from the SCAN-program at the Art Academy in Groningen. After graduation I worked for and with various designers, film makers, artists and researchers of New Media technology in the Netherlands and abroad, like the Center for Art and Media (ZKM) in Karlsruhe and Art + Com in Berlin. At these companies we were working on the cutting edge of interactive technology in emerging fields such as virtual reality and spatial interaction, along with 3D software and new media technologies.

    In 1993 I founded Mattmo, together with Matthijs Tammes. Always at the forefront of change, I was one of the first in the business to establish a network in China in 2004, and opened an office in Shanghai in 2008.

    As the leading strategist at Mattmo I advise and inspire organizations and people on innovation, strategy, new concepts, creativity, brands, and design. I create innovative concepts that contribute to a sustainable and vital society, commissioned by clients as well as self-initiated projects. My initiatives include Dutch Cuisine, Creative City Lab, and DutchRoom in Creative China. I often work with think tanks and give lectures and workshops around the world on creativity, innovation and cultural entrepreneurship. 



    Elisava Academy, Barcelona

    Palo Alto, Barcelona

    Palo Alto, Barcelona

    Architecture Biennale, Venice

    The Waterhouse, Shanghai

    Personal information

    I think with both left and right brain, meaning I bring commercial ideas and creativity together, forming the basis of what was founded here at Mattmo. I truly believe in the collaboration of minds, bringing different disciplines together, exploring what can be created in the overlap of various disciplines.

    You can characterize me as a pioneer. Somehow I often seem to be ahead of societal change and trends. Change offers opportunities and this attracts me. Foreseeing changes, I have always forged what I believe to be innovative solutions to issues, into tangible ideas, trying to inspire and involve people along the way. This has led to my involvement in many initiatives and projects with mixed disciplines. I believe that the overlap in disciplines is where true innovation originates, so that is the path to take in the pursuit of a vital society.

    Inspiration dinner Aedes Real Estate

    Inspiration dinner Aedes Real Estate

    I am a brand psychologist

    Visit to Yung Ho Chang office FCJZ, Beijing

    Lectures, Workshops, Jury


    Lecture Pakhuis de Zwijger

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